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José Antonio Gómez Hernández

Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
E.T.S. de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda S/N C.P. 18071 (Granada) Granada
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Secretaría General
Secretaría General
Hospital Real, Avenida del Hospicio, S/N C.P. 18071 (Granada) Granada
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Día de la semana Horario Lugar
Miércoles 13:30-14:30 Etsiit 3ª P Despacho 10
Jueves 16:00-19:00 Etsiit 3ª P Despacho 10
Viernes 16:00-18:00 Etsiit 3ª P Despacho 10
Día de la semana Horario Lugar
Lunes 16:30-19:30 Etsiit 3ª P Despacho 10
Miércoles 16:30-19:30 Etsiit 3ª P Despacho 10

After obtaining my Degree in Physics by the University of Granada (UGR) in 1986, my professional activity began there through three two research grants at the Computer and Network Center of the University of Granada(CSIRC). PhD in the Programme in Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Granada with a thesis work about criptoransomware detection.

I joined then the Computer and System Lenguages at 1989, until the date. I'm member of the Research Group NESG (Network and Security Engineering (https://nesg.ugr.es).

My current teaching and research interests focus on the field of operating systems security and Digital Forensic. I teach several subjets related to the indicated matters in the studies of Degrees of Computer Science, Crimonology, and the Professional Master in Cyber Security of the UGR.

Last completed project was “MDSM: Gestión Dinámica de la Seguridad de Dispositivos Móviles - MINECO -TIN2017-83494-R” y el de equipamiento científico-tecnológico “Laboratorio Avanzado de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (ACyR-Lab, Advanced Cybersecurity Research Lab) - MINECO - EQC2018-004692-P”.

I'm currently part of the project “SICRAC - Self-Sovereign Identity Collaborative Credentials for Access Control in IoT” (PID2020-114495RB-I00) whre the primary objective of the project is to develop solutions for the utilization of collaborative credentials in self-sovereign identity models applied to IoT environments and evaluate their viability and impact. ORCID: 0000-0002-8235-7366

Recent papers:

- P. García-Teodoro, J. Camacho, G. Maciá-Fernández, J.A. Gómez-Hernández, V.J. López-Marín, A novel zero-trust network access control scheme based on the security profile of devices and users, Computer Networks, Volume 212, 2022, 109068, ISSN 1389-1286, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109068.

- P. García-Teodoro, J.A. Gómez-Hernández, A. Abellán-Galera, Multi-labeling of complex, multi-behavioral malware samples, Computers & Security, Volume 121, 2022, 102845, ISSN 0167-4048, DOI:10.1016/j.cose.2022.102845.

- J. A. Gómez-Hernández, J. Camacho, J. A. Holgado-Terriza, P. García-Teodoro and G. Maciá-Fernández, “ARANAC: A Bring-Your-Own-Permissions Network Access Control Methodology for Android Devices,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 101321-101334, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3097152.

- J.A. Gómez-Hernández; R. Sánchez-Fernández, P. García Teodoro, Inhibiting crypto-ransomware on windows platforms through a honeyfile-based approach with R-Locker. IET Information Security. pp. 1 - 11. 2021. ISSN 1751-8709, DOI: .10.1049/ise2.12042

- J.A. Gómez-Hernández, L. Álvarez-González, P. García-Teodoro, R-Locker: Thwarting ransomware action through a honeyfile-based approach, Computers & Security, Volume 73, 2018, Pages 389-398, ISSN 0167-4048, DOI:10.1016/j.cose.2017.11.019.

- J. A. Gómez-Hernández, P. García-Teodoro, J. A. Holgado-Terriza, G. Maciá-Fernández, J. Camacho-Páez and M. Robles-Carrillo, AMon: A Monitoring Multidimensional Feature Application to Secure Android Environments, 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2021, pp. 31-36, doi: 10.1109/SPW53761.2021.00013.

- J. A. Gómez-Hernández, P. García-Teodoro, J. A. Holgado-Terriza, G. Maciá-Fernández, J. Camacho-Páez and J. M. Noguera-Comino, “Monitoring Android Communications for Security,” IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2021, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS51825.2021.9484574.

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