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Valentina Colonna

Departamento de Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Campus Universitario de Cartuja C.P. 18071 (Granada) Granada
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Miércoles 12:30-14:30 Seminario Est. Tipológicos



Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Actions (MSCA) - European Postdoctoral Fellowship. HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 Project: Voices of Spanish Poets. Vocal Archive and Experimental Study on Poetry Reading https://voicesofspanishpoets.ugr.es/ Principal Investigator (PI)

Valentina Colonna is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Granada. Her research focuses primarily on the music of poetry, combining interdisciplinary approaches and extensively using Experimental Phonetics. After completing her Master's degree in Linguistic Sciences at the University of Turin, she earned her European Ph.D. (Doctor Europaeus) in Digital Humanities (Linguistics) at the University of Genoa, graduating with excellent cum laude.

Voices of Italian Poets (VIP), which she developed at the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics at the University of Turin, represents the first project dedicated to the phonetic study of Italian poetry reading and its first digital vocal archive. This initiative continues under her direction. Her Ph.D. dissertation, the first history and phonetic analysis of Italian poetry reading, was awarded for publication in 2022 from the University of Turin. Part of this work is included in her first academic monograph, Voices of Italian Poets: History and Phonetic Analysis of 20th-Century Italian Poetry Reading (Edizioni Dell'Orso).

Valentina is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship dedicated to the project Voices of Spanish Poets: Vocal Archive and Experimental Study on Poetry Reading (VSP), the first experimental study of Spanish poetry reading through the tools of Digital Humanities.

She is also the author of three poetry books, has been invited to international festivals in 11 countries, and her poems have been translated and published in 17 countries.

As a pianist and composer (Master's in Piano Performance in 2011 and a Master's in Early Music from ESMUC and UAB in Barcelona in 2014), she has released three singles and her debut album, PianoPoetry. Resonances, in 2023 (NCM/Egea/Machiavelli).

As a translator, she curated the first Italian anthology of Ángeles Mora, the recipient of Spain's National Poetry and Critics' Prizes 2016. This book, “Casa dell acqua” (animamundi), published with support from Acción Cultural Española, a special mention at the 2024 Geiger Prize of the Cini Foundation and won the LILEC Prize for Poetry Translation 2024 (University of Bologna).



- 26/03/2021 PhD (Doctor Europaeus, excellent evaluation cum laude) - University of Genoa

- 31/07/2018 Certification 24 CFU for teaching - DM 616/2017; University of Turin, 24 CFU (PREFIT).

- 07/05/2017 Master's degree in Linguistic Sciences - University of Turin (110lode honours and recommended for publication)

- 30/06/2014 Bachelor's degree in Ancient Literature - University of Turin (110lode honours)

- 15/04/2013 Master's degree in Musicology, education and interpretation of ancient music (speciality: harpsichord) - Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

- 6/10/2011Master's degree in Piano (10 years-old-system), Conservatorio di Rodi G.co

Professional experience

- 1/05/2023-30/04/2025: MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowship HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 (MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions), University of Granada, Spain (2 years).

- Subject Expert and Teaching Assistant (Cultrice della materia) in General Linguistics L-LIN/01 (three-year position from 2/12/2020), University of Turin, tutor Antonio Romano 2020/2021-ongoing (nonsalaried).

- 08/06/2022-08/09/2022: Research Fellowship, University of Turin, Italy (supervisor Prof. Antonio Romano, Dep. of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures) (topic: Research and phonetic analysis of oral and written materials of the CALL-UniTo project (For assisted teaching in the learning of spoken Italian and in the linguistic assessment of disciplinary knowledge). L-LIN / 01 - Scientific coordinator: Prof. Antonio Romano.

- 15/11/2021-15/02/2022: Research Fellowship, University of Turin, Italy (supervisor Prof. Antonio Romano, Dep. of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures) (topic: Phonetics and syntax in the reading of poetic texts: reading invented languages). University of Turin, Dep. Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures. L-LIN / 01 - Scientific coordinator: Prof. Antonio Romano.

- 24/05/2021-24/08/2021: Research Fellowship, University of Turin, Italy (supervisor Prof. Irene de Angelis, Dep. of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures): Project on voices of Irish poets (i.e. Seamus Heaney). L-LIN / 01 - Scientific coordinator: Prof. Irene De Angelis.

- 1/11/2017/-26/03/2021: PhD in Digital Humanities (with scholarship) (Linguistics section) with grant, University of Genoa and University of Turin, Italy: Project: Voices of Italian Poets; Location: “Arturo Genre” Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics (University of Turin).


- Teaching Support (Teaching of General Linguistics, Prof. Antonio Romano. Academic year 2022-2023, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures University of Turin (30 hrs). (25/11/2022-06/03/2023).

- Complementary teaching at Degree Course in Speech Therapy (Dept. of Surgical Sciences). Teaching of Propaedeutic and Biomedical Sciences, Glottology and Linguistics Module (Prof. Antonio Romano). Academic year 2022-2023 (semester 1, 10 h).


- 01/01/2022-30/05/2022: Editor in Chief (Poetry), Nino Aragno Publisher, Turin, Italy;

- 18/11/2014-30/06/2022: Piano teacher at the Galleria dei suoni cultural association. Turin, Via Ormea, 34.

- 29/10/2012-27/09/2016 (annual assignments) Principal and Amateur Piano Teacher, Scuola Secondaria Statale I Grado Indirizzo Musicale C. Alvaro-A. Modigliani (present Istituto Comprensivo Statale C. Alvaro-P. Gobetti) in Turin (Project for Expansion of the musical training offer included in the P.T.O.F. - Instrument courses activated by the School in agreement with N.C.M. New Classic Music s.a.s.).

- Radio conduction and writing. Radio Vaticana (6 radio episodes entitled “Musica poetica: la retorica del Barocco” for L'arpeggio (programme by L. Picardi); conception, writing and conduction of the 36-episodes programme Le parole della musica.

Research stays

1. Invited visiting (PhD Student), Universidad de Granada (Dip. Lingüística Generale e Teoría della Letteratura). Scientific advisor: Antonio Pamies Bertrán. Granada (UGR), 01/04/2019-30/09/2019 (6 months).

2. Invited visiting (MSCA Postdoc Fellow): Estancia de perfeccionamiento en fonética acústica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Laboratorio de Fonética - Departamento de Lingüística y Literatura). Scientific advisor: Domingo Román. Santiago de Chile, 11/01/2024-03/02/2024 (24 days).

3. Invited visiting (MSCA Postdoc Fellow), Laboratorio di Fonetica Sperimentale Arturo Genre, Università di Torino. Torino, 18/03/2024-03/04/2024. Scientific advisor: Antonio Romano (17 days).

Projects: Direction and Participation


1. PI-Principal Investigator: Progetto: Voices of Spanish Poets: Vocal Archive and Experimental Study on Poetry Reading (VSP). Project ID: 101109465; Programme: HORIZON; Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01; DG/Agency: RE). Universidad de Granada. Periodo: 01/05/2023-30/04/2025.

2. Scientific Direction of the Project VOICES OF ITALIAN POETS (VIP) (Co-director: Antonio Romano, Participants: Federico Lo Iacono, Mikka Petris).: Project funding received: 3 years Fellowship, Digital Humanities Ph.D. 2017-2020 University of Genoa (Valentina Colonna, Ph.D.); 3 years Fellowship Digital Humanities Ph.D. 2023-2026 University of Genoa (Federico Lo Iacono, Ph.D.).


- Lectura y Escritura en Español (LEE) HUM820, University of Granada (Responsable Prof. Francisca Dolores Serrano Chica) (PARTICIPACIÓN EN PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN SUBVENCIONADOS EN CONVOCATORIAS PÚBLICAS)

- Local Research [Ricerca locale] 2021. Archival research on diachronic and synchronic language variation [Ricerche d'archivio sulla variazione diacronica e sincronica delle lingue]. Funding agency: University of Turin. Funding: € 4.409,01. Team: Giuseppe Pagliarulo (Manager), A. Romano, V. De Iacovo (Participants), V. Colonna (Participant).

- Local Research [Ricerca locale] 2020. Project: Archival research on diachronic and synchronic language variation [Ricerche d'archivio sulla variazione diacronica e sincronica delle lingue]. Funding agency: University of Turin. Funding: € 6.264,86. Team: G. Pagliarulo (Manager), A. Romano, M. Seita, V. De Iacovo (Participants), V. Colonna (Participant).

- Local Research [Ricerca locale] 2019. Project: Synchronic study and archival research on the linguistic documentation of diachrony [Studio sincronico e ricerche d archivio sulla documentazione linguistica della diacronia]. Funding agency: University of Turin. Funding: € 5.101,76. Team: G. Pagliarulo (Manager), A. Romano, M. Seita, V. De Iacovo (Participants), V. Colonna (Participant).

- Local Research [Ricerca locale] 2018. Project: The linguistic documentation of diachrony: corpus research and synchronic reflections [La documentazione linguistica della diacronia: ricerche di corpus e riflessioni sincroniche]. Funding agency: University of Turin. Funding: € 5.785,54. Team: G. Pagliarulo (Manager), A. Romano, M. Seita, V. De Iacovo (Participants), V. Colonna (Participant).

- Ricerca locale 2017 Quota A. Linguistic change from an experimental and historical perspective [Il mutamento linguistico in ottica sperimentale e storica]. Funding agency: University of Turin. Funding: € 6.816,60. Team: G. Pagliarulo (Manager), A. Romano, M. Seita, V. De Iacovo (Participants), V. Colonna (Participant).


-Unidad de Excelencia IberLab. Crítica, lenguas y culturas en Iberoamérica, Universidad de Granada dal 27/04/2024.

- Research Group Fonética y Poética (from 1 April 2024). Members: Valentina Colonna (Universidad de Granada); Domingo Román Montes de Oca (Universidad de Santiago de Chile); Nicolás Retamal Venegas (Universidad de Concepción); Antonio Pamies Bertrán (Universidad de Granada).

Funding, awards and fellowships


1. HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 (MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions), University of Granada (evaluation 100/100, 165.312,96 €). Funding agency: European Research Executive Agency (REA) (European Commission).

2. Cassini Junior 2018 Competition Ambassade de France en Italie, Institut Français: Funding for the International Study Day The music of poetry [La musica della poesia-La musique de la poesie], 21/03/2019 (1.000,00 €).

3. Support the Translation and Illustration of Literary Works. (Programa de Fomento de la Traducción e Ilustración de Obras Literarias). Acción Cultural Española (AC/E): 1.116,00 € Código de la solicitud: 3144, Título de la obra: Casa dell'acqua. Poesie 1982-2022, Editorial/Agencia solicitante: AnimaMundi Edizioni (Italia), Autor/es: Nombre: Ángeles Mora, Traductor/es: Valentina Colonna

4. PhD Scholarship: Project: Voices of Italian Poets (3-years: 1/11/2017-30/10/2020), University of Genoa


1. Award for the selection of original works resulting from research carried out as part of the XXXIII - XXXIV doctoral cycles of the year 2021. Dep. Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures Univ. of Turin (€ 1.500,00).

2. Special mention at the 2024 Geiger Prize of the Cini Foundation (translation of A. Mora. Casa dell'acqua, Animamundi, 2023).

3. LILEC Prize for Poetry Translation 2024 (University of Bologna).

Scientific habilitations

- Accreditation as Profesor Contratado Doctor (Associate Professor), MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA, INNOVACIÓN Y UNIVERSIDADES, Spain, 20/09/2024 (ANECA) (General Linguistics).

- Accreditation as Profesor de Universidad Privada MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA, INNOVACIÓN Y UNIVERSIDADES, Spain, 20/09/2024 (ANECA) (General Linguistics).

Peer Review Publications

1 monograph (Ed. Dell'Orso SPI 254/258).

12 journal articles of which 11 as first author (3 level A ANVUR Italy + 1 Q2 SJR-Q1 Dialnet Metrix, sello de Calidad FECYT + 1 Q3 + 5 Q4 SJR).

12 book chapters (of which 9 as first author, 4 in press: 2 indexed in Scopus, 1 in Dykinson 3/99 SPI Spain).

7 conference proceedings (1 published by Sciendo/De Gruyter SPI 9/259 International, 2 by Guarant International, 1 by Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc, 1 by ISCA International Speech Communication Association).

1 edition (Colonna & Romano) of a monographic issue of the journal RiCOGNIZIONI (SJR Q4).

Dictionaries: Author of a multilingual phonetics dictionary (directed by A. Pamies Bertrán), in digital (teaching medium) and printed format (published by Comares SPI 12/273 Spain).


2 open access vocal archives (Voices of Italian Poets 2017-present, currently with more than 1000 recordings; Voices of Spanish Poets - under construction, with more than 800 recordings) (Creation and direction)


1 book of poetry translation from Spanish to Italian (editing, translation and introduction).

3 PRAAT Script for the VIP-VSP-Radar Data Extraction (with D. Román Montes de Oca).

3 books of poetry and 1 plaquette (with Daniele Ferroni)

4 research papers

3 academic reviews

1 academic report

Collaboration with poetry magazines and blogs

Scientific dissemination (podcasts, papers, press communication)

Inernational Conferences and Lectures

Invited lectures in International Conferences

8 invited lectures (2019-2024)

Presentation in International Conferences

25 oral presentations at national and international conferences and study days (of which 20 as first author).

6 posters at national and international conferences (of which 4 as first author),

2 round tables.

1 Seminar of teaching innovation

Invited lectures

22 invited lectures (e.g. Yerevan State University, Brusov University of Yerevan, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Granada, Universidad La Sapienza, Università del Molise, Università di Torino, European Commission, GSCP cycle of meetings).


4 international conferences (2024)

Scientific Committees

Member of the scientific committee of 5 International conferences.


Conception and organisation as the first member of the I International Conference 'Phonetics and Poetics' (Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Concepción) 2024;

Conception and organisation as the first member of the Study days 'World Poetry Day: The Music of Poetry 2018' (University of Turin)

Conception and organisation as the first member of the 'International Study Day The Music of Poetry-La musique de la poesie 2019' (University of Turin with Alliance Française, Institut Français, Ambassade de France en Italie, Univ. di Torino),

Member of 6 organising committees of international conferences and symposia

Supervising and mentoring activities

-Subject tutor and teaching assistant for 6 years (University of Turin).

-Co-tutor of a PhD student (University of Genoa-University of Turin, PhD in Digital Humanities) 2023-2026.

-Tutor of a tranship at the University of Granada (cofounded by Santander Bank) (300 h): Voices of Spanish Poets project

-Co-tutor of 2 curricular tranships at the University of Turin (Lab. of Phonetics) (510 h total) Voices of Italian Poets projects.

-Co-supervisor of 11 bachelor's and master's theses as a second and third supervisor (10 University of Turin, 1 University of Bologna).

-Supervision a visiting stay at the University of Granada (3 months, Federico Lo Iacono)


A.y. 2024-2025: Universidad de Granada: 80 hrs. General Linguistics course at the Bachelor of Hispanic Philology; Bachelor of English Studies (course in Spanish)..

A.y. 2023-2024: Universidad de Granada: 60 hrs. General Linguistics course at the Bachelor of Arts in Arabic and Islamic Studies and Spanish Philology at the University of Granada (course in Spanish).

A.y. 2022-2023: University of Turin: 40 h: Teaching support and supplementary teaching at the Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures (University of Turin) and Dept. of Surgical Sciences (University of Turin).

A.y. 2020-2023: Cultore della materia in General Linguistics L-LIN/01. University of Turin, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Modern Cultures (supervisor Antonio Romano) (three-year appointment CD 2/12/2020) - until 2/12/2023.

Collaboration with Journals

Peer review for the journal RiCognizioni in the monographic issue edited with A. Romano (2019, 7 articles), a book (IULM: 1 chapter), 2 chapters for 2 International Proceedings and 3 articles for ISCA International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2024).

Part of the Editorial office of the journal LUZIANA (Indexed on Scopus, MLA, Erih Plus for the fields: Social Sciences: Linguistics and Language; Arts and Humanities: Literature and Literary Theory; Visual Arts and Performing Arts; History) and part of the editorial board of the Bollettino del Laboratorio di Fonetica Sperimentale “Arturo Genre” (Univ. Turin) from 2018.


Member of various linguistic associations, part of the Marie Curie Alumni Association.

Society and Laboratories

1. Invited member and cultural collaborator La Dante Granada - Società DANTE ALIGHIERI since 2024.

2. Member of the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics Arturo Genre University of Turin.

3. Invited external consultant Laboratorio de Fonética de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (since 24 April 2024).

Other academic positions

1. Delegate PhD Students of PhD School (Human Sciences) University of Turin, 2019-2020.

2. Delegate of UniTO PhD Students of Digital Humanities PhD University of Genoa-University of Turin (XXXIII cycle), 2017/2018-2019/2020.

Public Engagement

30 events (12 organizations, 18 participation)

Language certificates

DELE C1 (Instituto Cervantes), C1, 13/08/2021.

FIRST (Cambridge University), B2, 05/08/2008.

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